VATICAN CITY, February 26, 2011 (VIS). The Holy Father received participants at noon today at the annual meeting of the Pontifical Academy for Life, and its new President Mgr.Ignacio Carrasco de Paula. Echoing the theme of this meeting, Benedict XVI affirmed that psychological distress often affecting women having an abortion "reveals the problem of moral consciousness accompanying the deep wounds suffered whenever a human act reveals the innate vocation of man to well ". But the moral conscience can "distinguish good from evil so that man can freely choose the good. Given that wants to deny the existence of moral consciousness in man, reducing his choices to the result of outer packaging or a pure emotion, we must reiterate that the moral quality of an act has no intrinsic value. It is not an option or a prerogative of Christians or other believers, but a quality common to all human beings. Through this moral conscience God speaks to everyone with an invitation to defend life in all circumstances. It is in this individual link with the Creator lies the profound dignity of conscience, as the reason for its inviolability. "
Then the Pope said that doctors" can not betray their mission to preserve consciousness Women who are tempted to see in abortion a solution to their family problems or socio-economic, or the health of the child unborn. In the latter case they are often driven, sometimes by doctors at abortion as if abortion was morally licit, and even a therapeutic act had to avoid suffering the unborn child and his family, and that is an unfair burden to society. In a cultural context where the meaning of life is offended, where the perception of serious immorality of abortion is largely mitigated, as well as other attacks on human life, doctors must be good at continuing to assert that Abortion does not solve anything, it removes a being ravaged his mother died and his conscience father, often causing the ruin of the family. This mission does not look that doctors and the medical world. The whole society must defend the right to life to be well designed and the real mother, who resides in any case in abortion. Certainly, we also provide assistance to women who had abortions and live a moral and existential drama. Many initiatives are on the diocesan level as in volunteering to support them psychologically and spiritually for a full recovery. The solidarity of the Christian community can not abdicate that responsibility. "
Benedict XVI then again one of the topics discussed by the assembly, the banking of umbilical cord for clinical and research: "It is scientifically promising applications that depend on the generosity of donors of blood cord and the adaptation of structures to meet the desire for donation to delivery. I invite you to promote genuine human and Christian solidarity in this field. " This choice of establishing private banks, "as evidenced by the work of your Assembly, far from guaranteeing superiority over donations of cord, weakens the spirit of solidarity which must always animate the common good, which tends science and medical research.
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Then the Pope said that doctors" can not betray their mission to preserve consciousness Women who are tempted to see in abortion a solution to their family problems or socio-economic, or the health of the child unborn. In the latter case they are often driven, sometimes by doctors at abortion as if abortion was morally licit, and even a therapeutic act had to avoid suffering the unborn child and his family, and that is an unfair burden to society. In a cultural context where the meaning of life is offended, where the perception of serious immorality of abortion is largely mitigated, as well as other attacks on human life, doctors must be good at continuing to assert that Abortion does not solve anything, it removes a being ravaged his mother died and his conscience father, often causing the ruin of the family. This mission does not look that doctors and the medical world. The whole society must defend the right to life to be well designed and the real mother, who resides in any case in abortion. Certainly, we also provide assistance to women who had abortions and live a moral and existential drama. Many initiatives are on the diocesan level as in volunteering to support them psychologically and spiritually for a full recovery. The solidarity of the Christian community can not abdicate that responsibility. "
Benedict XVI then again one of the topics discussed by the assembly, the banking of umbilical cord for clinical and research: "It is scientifically promising applications that depend on the generosity of donors of blood cord and the adaptation of structures to meet the desire for donation to delivery. I invite you to promote genuine human and Christian solidarity in this field. " This choice of establishing private banks, "as evidenced by the work of your Assembly, far from guaranteeing superiority over donations of cord, weakens the spirit of solidarity which must always animate the common good, which tends science and medical research.
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