"We're driven to adventure. It is not easy. A word of its own before going further . The attention brought to the world inside us up outside the social community. It presents us with images, experiences, unknown forces that can affect us two kinds of contradictory effects.
The first is exalt us. We are politicians, visionaries. Think for instance has been able to experience the feeling the person I've reported the great dream of the Apocalypse, if is not humble enough and if she does not realize the dangers of feeling unusual. she could identify was the seer of Patmos. And it's true: we are all blind and we need that this clairvoyance is something ordinary, normal, and only the blindness that we impose a limited civilization, entirely oriented towards what is of darker, more opaque material, deprives us of this faculty of vision. The
aute danger is reversed, and the two often coexist. Play It to the elected indefinitely and be extraordinary. When one realizes that this sense of election and authority is welcomed as we would like, and energy is put in motion back violently towards us. It then falls into depression and it is said: "After all, and if all this was madness?" And indeed of madness, because it is the world whose company, guarantor and judge normality, does not want. It is therefore very important that these networks are formed which I spoke earlier.
I know from experience, to have walked alone for almost thirty years, the terrible dangers that threaten the isolated. And I also know, since the odds-grace-given to me to meet other on the same plane, the resonance phenomenon, intensification extraordinary represents communication, let go of the keyword: communications-in this world and needless to say, the security provided in the solo adventure, the presence to itself of witnesses, loving beings who you grind or just remind you of the existence of light when you're in a phase of darkness. "
Etienne Perrot
book excerpt 13, 1981
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