Q . It's a bit worrying, because we, as individuals, what we is in all this? A facet of the collective soul?
EP But sir, if all of the collective soul s can actualize in you is beautiful, right? See the whole problem is to integrate the community in the individual.
Q. It is not clear.
EP It is not clear? That's true. it can not be easily explained. Our company is ambitious. It is not ours, we do not decide it with his head, nor even with his guts. It is pushed into it. There are thousands and perhaps millions of people who are trained there. To the east, it goes without saying, for the traditional India (I do not know what is happening now) the individual is divine. I understand that Hindus greet each other sometimes by giving the name of Atam, is the god within. The Greeks, the ancient Greeks gave the name of Theios aner "divine man".
Maybe it was a flattering epithet, as they say "My dear master," but it can also correspond to an inner reality.
We are, and I apologize for repeating myself, we're in this universal current that tends to establish or restore the individual who is the divine spark it seems, from the masters, his secret. We
, we will not look in the books of the masters. We feel that it can be done by us, and we are given evidence about this, in dreams and otherwise, and first in dreams.
The collective soul, the whole is both the UN.
Alchemists had a major leitmotif borrowed from Greek: "Hen to pan : One is all."
Stephen PERROT
book excerpt 17, 1982
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