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The newspaper Le Parisien
(see link) had announced the same day, the meeting was held in Paris in the Salle Brabant
SCAM (Société Civile des Auteurs Multimedia) . Nearly 60 people came but not least. The elected representatives of Ville du Bois in particular, representatives of the Media of the RATP, heads of historical associations, prominent members of CAMM, Daniel Meyer, the inhabitants of the region and still friends, loyal customers Shifter Production, M . Clerc who testifies in the film, the collector Philippe Bourdelot, technical partners (my stuff and more) etc ... A pleasure shared so before the release on DVD and projections in the suburbs that will increase in September. Thank you to all.
PHOTOS: Claude Degoutte
For the continuity of this blog, I appeal to anyone passionate about Arpajonnais to take over and give life to a virtual place of meetings and debates ...
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