"The path of dreams is unpopular and can oppose or make the difference between" psychological "and dreams. Current thinking identifies or associates, and not without reason, the psychologist or psychoanalyst to the man who has the power. I know the anguish that is tied in front of you when you're a psychiatrist and that crushes you right away, overwhelms you that your complex.
The dream is the opposite. If someone comes with a dream, we kneel before the dream, ie to the person in front of the dream. It is the dream which is the master, not us.'s dream is the anti-power, the dream is the power of life, the dream is freedom and liberation of life in us. The path of dreams is the path to liberation that we requested from the East, but is impractical as the East teaches us, because we are Westerners, and that we need to find moisture and vibrant images.
There is a man, a very important figure to me this is Krishnamurti. Krishnamurti denies the dream, he wants to free life without the dream. I've tried, I know the way to K., is impracticable. Similarly mysticism. you talked to Marie-Madeleine Davy earlier, I know his work and I esteem very much.
I could say that, basically, my wife and I are Christian formation, we know bienli Christian mysticism. but Christian mysticism, is the past. We can not live today John of the Cross, we can not live today Teresa of Avila. The first reason is that these people excluded the devil.
But the devil is one of the first realities that confront us in dreams, that's what we do not want is what is called evil. We learn that good and evil are complementary as in chinoix the YIN and the YANG.
evil is not something to dismiss in outer darkness. We have evidence to participate in the restoration of the mystical path, but a concrete way, one way livable for people today. "
Stephen PERROT
book excerpt 24, 1983